Can You Eat Honey On The Carnivore Diet?

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Well, can you?


You can't.

Eating Fructose, which is what honey mostly is, is especially damaging. The glycation damage done by fructose is 7x as much as glucose.

You must really be addicted to carbs in order to justify eating honey on the carnivore diet.

Bad idea.

If you follow famed influencer Paul Salidino then you might ask can you eat honey on the carnivore diet.

Unfortunately, Paul Salidino is one of those so-called health influencers who keeps espousing that fructose/honey is good for you.. Ignore the arsewipe.

Did you know that Paul Salidino eats up to 800 grams of carbohydrates a DAY?

Insane isn't it boys and girls and suspiciously-coloured teddy bears.

He isn't even carnivore anymore. Stop following him and follow someone competent like Professor Bart kay or Harry Serpanos instead.




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