A ketogenic study was being done led by Dr. Deanna Kelly for schizophrenic patients.
When out of seemly nowhere and for no good reason the department of health decided to BLOCK the experiment from going forward:
As chris palmer recently tweeted: "The Maryland Health Secretary has halted an ongoing, privately-funded, inpatient study of a medical ketogenic diet for treating schizophrenia for no clear reason. People with schizophrenia deserve better treatments."
Despite the ethical committee reviewing the study 16 weeks earlier and giving the green go-ahead.
This is criminal and makes us think that big pharma is involved if patients with schizophrenia reverse it using a ketogenic diet then why would they need pills? Big pharma profit margins will go down, which is why we think the government decided to BLOCK the keto study.
Big, famous carnivore influencers such as Dr. Ken Berry and Shawn Baker are actively promoting the change petition to get the department of health to reconsider.
Sign it here today. We can't let the government do stuff like this: https://www.change.org/p/help-us-protect-a-landmark-research-study-for-serious-mental-illness
Here is what others who signed the petition have said:
"The government has no right to shut down a privately funded research study, and ketogenic diets need to be studies as a way to combat mental illness. Big Pharma can't cash in if this study proves to be effective, but millions of people could reap the benefits."
"Harvard and Stanford studies have show the ketogenic diet to reverse schizophrenia. Every day you stop this study is a potential day of cognitive decline for a sufferer, a day where patients commit suicide, a day where a person is admitted to a psych ward, a day a concerned family member suffers trauma of watching their loved one deteriorate. Please let this study move forward"
"Nutritional studies aimed at mental illness should be at the very top of priority. A privately funded study does not bow to political subversion, it deals in hard data that doesn’t care about feelings!"
"Big Pharma needs to be reigned in and allow medical treatments that don’t rely on drugs."
"Freedom to research cures for mental health issues is critical."
"I believe in the Keto/Carnivore WOE!! It heals many issues for so many people."
Please SHARE this blog post as it will be heavily censored by big pharma and big tech. More of your ketogenic and carnivore friends need to hear this!